VALENCIA The IXCOR van arrived on 21th September at Valencia. Part of the IXCOR team moved to enjoy the bike next day.
Our friends Oscar Seguí (@nosoyunartista) and Omar Rosales (@omar_ore) were waiting for us to eat and chat after many months without being together.
Once we caught up, we went for a walk in the area and discovered some places that the locals had prepared for us. As a typical horchatería where we could enjoy a good snack based on horchata and fartons valencians.
Later we went to Rock’n Rolla for a drink before dinner.

We woke up on Sunday knowing that a great day was waiting for us and that the weather was good.
Arriving at the meeting point we saw some of the riders that were approaching and presenting themselves.
70km of beautiful roads full of pure cycling were waiting for us. Going up to some of the ports closest to the capital of the Valencian Community such as the Oronet.

Among the participants we could see many users of IXCOR jerseys and shorts, even though we remember that the event is not closed exclusively to our clients.
The intention of our “IXCOR rides” is to present our product in continuous development, meet new people and share moments.
We will continue announcing the next rides very soon and we hope to be in the maximum of cities both nationally and internationally.